
Showing posts from March, 2019

6 Truck Driving Tips From Experienced Truckers

Truck driving is an adventurous job that is filled with dangers and would require you to push your limits everyday. Truck drivers face countless challenges everyday, to negotiate unfriendly terrains and keep businesses moving. If you are looking for MR driver jobs in Brisbane , or any other part of the country, you best be mentally prepared for the challenge. Truck driving is no ordinary 9 to 5 job every day will be different from the previous one. It can also make for a rewarding career, for those who enjoy doing stuff hands on and are prepared for the adventure. Before looking for MR truck driving jobs in Brisbane, read our guide that will tell you about 6 tips from experienced truckers: 1. Go slow: the first one is pretty basic but is often neglected by newbie truckers. Going slow would mean ensuring higher security for yourself and the goods that you are carrying. Negotiate turns slowly and maintain optimal speeds on the highway. Slow down further if weather conditions ...

10 Helpful Winter Driving Tips for HC Truck Drivers

HC truck drivers refer to truck drivers who are licensed to operate HC or heavy combination trucks. As the name suggests HC trucks are a combination of a main automotive and a trailer which is attached to it. The gross vehicle mass should be greater than 9 tonnes to qualify as an HC and to differentiate it from a trailer attached to an MR (Medium rigid) truck. Hr truck jobs in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and other urban centers are relatively easy to come by due to the huge demand for qualified and licensed drivers. If you are a professional HC truck driver or are looking to make a career in trucking, read our guide that will tell you about 10 helpful winter driving tricks for Hc truck drivers: 1. Wheels: Winters can affect the conditions of the road and mcan make certain roads riskier, especially for oversized vehicles like HC trucks. There are speciality  tyres for winters, which you can install and would provide your truck, with a better grip on the road. 2...