6 Truck Driving Tips From Experienced Truckers

Truck driving is an adventurous job that is filled with dangers and would require you to push your limits everyday. Truck drivers face countless challenges everyday, to negotiate unfriendly terrains and keep businesses moving. If you are looking for MR driver jobs in Brisbane, or any other part of the country, you best be mentally prepared for the challenge. Truck driving is no ordinary 9 to 5 job every day will be different from the previous one. It can also make for a rewarding career, for those who enjoy doing stuff hands on and are prepared for the adventure. Before looking for MR truck driving jobs in Brisbane, read our guide that will tell you about 6 tips from experienced truckers:

1. Go slow: the first one is pretty basic but is often neglected by newbie truckers. Going slow would mean ensuring higher security for yourself and the goods that you are carrying. Negotiate turns slowly and maintain optimal speeds on the highway. Slow down further if weather conditions are poor and you are dealing with low visibility. Always remember that being late is better than ending up in the hospital!
2. Inspection regimes: Always remember to inspect your trucks and vehicles, before and after every journey. In most cases, visual inspections would suffice and would give you clues as to the condition of your vehicle. If you suspect something is wrong, immediately take your vehicle to a mechanic and don't set out for the journey.
3. Weather: Perhaps the biggest challenge that truckers have to face is the weather conditions. Weather conditions have a direct impact on your safety and hence its important to check predictions before you set off on a journey. Take any weather related precautions like adding special tyres for snow.
4. Clothing: The machine is only as good as the man and its important you take care of yourself by ensuring you have proper clothing for the journey. Always remember to carry a little extra for extreme weather instead of packing less.
5. Food and rest: It's important to not overstress yourself as a truck driver and eating proper food and getting enough sleep is the key to keep yourself healthy. Make sure you also don't skip out on the appointments with the doctor. Always keep energy bars handy and stop for rest if you are feeling drowsy and sleepy.
6. Emergency contacts: For newbie truck drivers it's important to keep a list of emergency contacts located at different places throughout the journey. Establish your support system and dont always rely on your cell phone. Certain places might have little or no reception so it's best to make a physical list and keep it handy for your journey.

We have told you briefly about 6 truck driving tips from experienced truckers. Truck driving is an underappreciated job, full of challenges and is something indispensable to the global economy. Truck drivers single handedly keep businesses moving at the cost of often neglecting themself and their personal lives. We hope this guide has been informative and will prove useful. Have a great day!


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