Facts About Truck Driving Way Of Life

When you’re a truck driver, your life is mostly about driving a truck and listening to country roads. But, that’s not all. Hard work and patience are involved because you have to take the fastest route and deliver the load properly to the correct destination. When you’re about to choose a new career in MR driving jobs Melbourne, you must be prepared for the lifestyle that comes with the job. If you like solitude, travelling and exploring new places, read on to know more about life as a truck driver.
  • Your body clock would be disrupted
As a truck driver, you would be expected to work for several hours at stretch. While some drivers prefer to drive during the day and follow the light, others prefer the nighttime for a peaceful journey. As for OTR (over-the-road) drivers, you don’t have fixed starting hours apart from when you’re being dispatched after your return from your ‘off-duty’ hours.
  • You would have to work for long hours
You can work for 70 hours for an 8-day time period, but you’ll be expected to go for a 34-hour break immediately. You’re expected to drive only for 11 hours a day, after which you can take a break for 10 hours.
  • Seclusion is not your best friend
Though truck-driving is a solitary job for most of the part, you will have to engage in other unpaid work such as freight unloading and loading that can take up to a couple of hours. You’re not required to unload freight if you are an OTR driver, but you would have to depend on your shipping departments to retain your schedule.
  • Variations in payment
Many companies pay drivers by the mile, however, the labour unions are fighting for hourly pays. You can earn more salary by hauling oversize dangerous materials or freight, working as a part-time trainer or charging a share of every load that you move. Sometimes, you don’t know what you would be paid at the year-end, though the average salary would be $41,5000 while higher salaries could be in the range between $45,000 to $55,000.
  • You’ll be exploring new places every other day
Most people working in MR driver jobs in Melbourne must complete at least 125,000 miles in a year – 2500 miles in a week, that is, 500 miles in a day. This also means that you’ll see some amazing countryside scenes in a modern truck with state-of-the-art facilities while meeting your mile requirement.

Does that excite you? If yes and if you’re looking for MR truck driver jobs Melbourne, contact us at www.drivers.com.au/truck-driving-jobs/melbourne/mr.


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